Victoria Roth

Victoria Roth is a visual ar/st living and working in Brooklyn, NY. Her biomorphic abstract pain/ngs sit on the edge of recogni/on— a meaty shape wraps around like a muscle, a gnarled form morphs into a heart, that bulbous symbol. Through her imagined and high keyed composi/ons, she explores ideas of queer abstrac/on and queer desire as embedded in bodily forms that appear to be in a constant becoming. While her pain/ngs are loud and visceral, their resonance is psychological and their read is slow.

Victoria has exhibited her pain/ngs and drawings interna/onally. Recent solo exhibi/ons include The Armory Show with Broadway Gallery, New York, NY (2023), Velvet Nerve, Broadway Gallery, New York, NY (2022); Victoria Roth, Brennan & Griffin, New York, NY (2019); Insides, fAN Kunstverein, Vienna, AT (2017); Off the Banks, Brennan & Griffin, New York, NY (2017).
Recent group exhibi/ons include Deep! Down! Inside!, Hales Gallery, New York, NY (2023); Pizza, Kate Werble Gallery, New York, NY (2023); Jahresgaben, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany (2022); Postcard from New York - Part III, Galleria Anna Marra, Rome, IT (2022); Intertwined, 1969 Gallery, New York, NY (2021); IsolaIon is the Mother of InvenIon, Ins/tute of Arab & Islamic Art, New York, NY (2021); Eddysroom @ LeN Field Gallery, LeX Field Gallery, Los Osos, CA (2021); City Prince/sses, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, FR (2019); Body/Object, George Adams Gallery, New York, NY (2019); The Pit Presents / Step Sister, The Pit, Los Angeles, CA (2018); Furies, Helena Anrather, New York, NY (2018); The Clear and the Obscure, Lulu, Mexico City, MX (2016) and more. She is in the public collec/on of Le Nouveau Musée Na/onal de Monaco, Monaco.
Victoria Roth grew up in France and received her MFA from Columbia University in 2014 and a BA in History of Art & Architecture and Visual Arts from Brown University in 2008. In addi/on to her studio prac/ce, Victoria Roth is an educator who teaches pain/ng and drawing in New York City.