Eric Brown
Suchness @CRUSH CURATORIAL Octubre 28 - Noviembre 11, 2016 He used to call himself a “secret painter,” but has quite visibly gone public over the past three years, with solo outings at Ille Arts in Amagansett and at a survey show at Vassar College. Brown’s small-scale and medium-scale works are all about possibilities. Each displays a record of generative... Leer más -
The Castle of Perseverance
ROBIN CAMERON, JAY DAVIS, STACY FISHER, ALEXIS GEORGOPOULOS, BEN HAGARI, JON KESSLER, MATHIAS KESSLER, MOLLY LOWE, OLIVER MICHAELS, PATRICK CARLIN MOHUNDRO, EVA O'LEARY, ALLISON SCHULNIK, PETER SUTHERLAND, ALINA TENSER, EMILY WEINER @CRUSH C Octubre 8 - 22, 2016 The show takes its title, The Castle of Perseverance, from the first theatrical production to citevand utilize props outside of masks. Theatrical property, later known as props, was characterized by their portability and capacity to suspend disbelief. In the original play, there is an “allegorical battle between good and evil... Leer más -
Jacqueline Cedar
Hug Me, Squeeze Me @CRUSH CURATORIAL Septiembre 8 - Octubre 16, 2016 “And indeed how was it possible that the nose, which only yesterday he had on his face, and which could neither walk nor drive, should now wear a uniform?” — Nikolai Gogol’s “The Nose” In Jaqueline Cedar’s new work featured in Hug Me, Squeeze Me, the artist grapples with the... Leer más -
Abstraction in the East End Today @ CRUSH CURATORIAL EAST Junio 18 - 26, 2016 Organized by Henry Brown, Karen Hesse Flatow & Li Trincere Territory has a double meaning. It refers to an area of knowledge or experience, the artists’ voice in their work, their territory. Territory also has a geographic reference to an area of land with regard to a particular type of... Leer más -
Charlotte Hallberg
Short Sight Soft Touch @CRUSH CURATORIAL Junio 2 - 30, 2016 CRUSH CURATORIAL is pleased to present Short Sight Soft Touch, new paintings by Charlotte Hallberg, opening June 2nd, 6-8pm, and open by appointment through June 30th. “And the students asked me what I was going to do. I said, and stuttered, ‘To open eyes.’ And this became the rule... Leer más -
JACKIE BLACK, SCOTT BLUEDORN, NORMAN BROSTERMAN, PERRY BURNS, PHILIPPE CHENG, ROSSA COLE, ANDREA COTE, PETER DAYTON, ERIC DEVER, ALEX DIJULIO, IDOLINE DUKE, TERRY ELKINS, ERIC ERNST, KRISTINA FELIX, ERIC FISCHL, SASKIA FRIEDRICH, COLIN G Abril 28 - Mayo 26, 2016 “In a codified, commodified and often rigid art world, the artist is often stifled and forced into a clearly identifiable box in order to be successfully marketed. Galleries and institutions often pander according to taste, style and output, a practice that is limiting to the artist and often retards or... Leer más